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Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. portion (in Prescriptions); part, division; (Anatomy) general term for a particular part of a larger organ or structure

Babylon Spanish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
nf. part; message; report; dispatch; news bulletin; portion; section, segment; share; side; role; contender; spare part
v. divide, split up; share; cut, chop; break; tear; district; abandon, depart; dole out; fly off; chapter

Babylon Portuguese-EnglishDownload this dictionary
n. parts, part, section
n. part, piece; parcel; section, portion; quantum; snack; suitor
v. go away, depart; part; break, crack; leave, quit; smash, split; start

A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
= bits and pieces.
Ex: At the same time, indigenous knowledge has become more fragmented and specialised as scientists and humanitarians pick at the bits and pieces that fit with their interests and disciplines.
(n.) = body ; end ; part ; piece ; portion ; quarter ; section ; segment ; sequence ; share.
Ex: The main body of criticism centred upon the treatment of nonbook materials.
Ex: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.
Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.
Ex: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.
Ex: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.
Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.
Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
Ex: No such constraints exist where online display is anticipated, since only one segment at a time is displayed.
Ex: A classified catalogue is a catalogue with three or four separate sequences: an author/title catalogue or index (or separate author and title catalogues), a classified subject catalogue, and a subject index to the classified catalogue.
Ex: The clicker paid each man according to what he had set, keeping for himself a share equal to that of the most productive hand.
* a alguna parte = someplace.
* abordar una mínima parte del asunto = touch + the tip of the iceberg.
* a partes iguales = share and share alike ; in equal measure(s).
* buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for ; search + high and low ; hunt + high and low ; look + high and low ; move + heaven and earth ; leave + no stone unturned ; search + high and wide.
* dar parte de = report.
* de algún tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
* de la parte superior = topmost [top most].
* de otras partes = further afield.
* de parte de = on behalf of [in behalf of; on + Nombre + behalf] ; in + Nombre + behalf [in/on behalf of].
* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.
* de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world ; from all over the globe ; from every part of the world ; from the world over.
* de todas partes = from far and wide.
* de una parte a otra = back and forth.
* de un tiempo a esta parte = for some time now.
* dividir Algo en partes iguales = divide + Nombre + in equal parts.
* dividir en partes = break into + parts.
* dividirse en partes = fall into + parts.
* durante gran parte del tiempo = for much of the time.
* durante la mayor parte de = for much of.
* durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year ; for most of the year.
* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
* en alguna parte = someplace.
* en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
* en buena parte = for the most part.
* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else ; everywhere else.
* en cualquier parte = anywhere ; everywhere ; anywhere and everywhere.
* en gran parte = largely ; in large part ; in large measure ; for the most part ; to a great extent ; to a great degree.
* en la mayor parte de = in the majority of.
* en la mayor parte del mundo = in most parts of the world.
* en la parta trasera (de) = on the back (of).
* en la parte de arriba = at the top.
* en la parte de arriba de = at the top of.
* en la parte de atrás = in the back ; at the rear ; at the back.
* en la parte de atrás (de) = on the back (of).
* en la parte de delante (de) = at the front (of).
* en la parte delantera (de) = at the front (of).
* en la parte posterior = in the back ; at the back.
* en la parte superior = at the top ; uppermost.
* en la parte superior de = at the top of.
* en la parte trasera = in the back ; at the rear ; at the back.
* en medio de ninguna parte = in the middle of nowhere ; in the back of beyond ; out in the sticks.
* en mitad de ninguna parte = in the middle of nowhere ; in the back of beyond ; out in the sticks.
* en ninguna parte = nowhere.
* en otra parte = elsewhere ; further afield.
* en otras partes = further afield.
* en parte = in part ; part of the way ; partial ; partially ; partly.
* en parte + Nombre = part + Nombre.
* en qué parte = whereabouts.
* en su mayor parte = largely ; mostly ; for the most part.
* en su parte central = at its core.
* en todas partes = all around ; far and wide ; far and wide.
* entrar a formar parte de = enter in.
* en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].
* estar de + Posesivo + parte = be on + Posesivo + side.
* extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide ; extend + far and wide ; stretch + far and wide.
* formar parte de = be part of ; be part of ; build into ; enter into ; form + part of ; become + (a) part of ; be a part of ; inhere in ; become + one with ; inform ; fall under.
* formar parte de la tripulación = crew.
* formar parte del paisaje = blend into + the landscape.
* formar parte de + Posesivo + carácter = be within + Posesivo + character.
* formar parte de + Posesivo + forma de ser = be within + Posesivo + character.
* formar parte de un comite = serve on + committee.
* formar parte integral = form + an integral part.
* formar parte integral de = be an integral part of ; be part and parcel of.
* formar parte natural de su entorno = blend into + the landscape.
* formar parte + Posesivo + vida = be part of + Posesivo + life.
* gran parte = much.
* gran parte de = much of.
* gran parte del tiempo = much of the time.
* hablar de + Posesivo + parte = speak in + Posesivo + name ; speak on/in + Posesivo + behalf.
* hacer de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + bit.
* la mayor parte de = the majority of ; the main bulk of ; the lion's share of.
* la mayor parte de las veces = more often than not.
* la mayor parte del tiempo = most of the time.
* la parte de atrás de = the back of.
* la parte más dura de = brunt of, the.
* la parte más importante = the heart of.
* la parte más sórdida de = underbelly.
* la parte principal de = the bulk of.
* la parte superior izquierda de = the upper left of ; the upper left of.
* la parte trasera de = the back of.
* llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado = jury duty.
* llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide ; extend + far and wide ; stretch + far and wide.
* llegar de todas partes = come from + far and wide.
* lo mejor de ambas partes = the best of both worlds.
* más que la suma de sus partes = Comparativo + than the sum of its parts.
* mayoría de, la = most of.
* mínima parte = fraction.
* no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
* no haber problema por + Posesivo + parte = be (just) fine with.
* no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing ; go + nowhere.
* numeración de las partes = numbering of parts.
* parte afectada = stakeholder.
* parte anterior del pie = ball of + Posesivo + foot.
* parte azotada por el viento = windward.
* parte de accidente = accident report.
* parte de atrás = back ; backside ; rear.
* parte delantera = fore-end.
* parte delantera del pie = forefoot.
* parte de una obra = component part.
* parte de una publicación = component part.
* parte en un contrato = contracting party.
* parte expuesta al viento = windward.
* parte externa = outer part.
* parte inferior = bottom ; underside.
* parte inferior derecha = lower right.
* parte integral = integral part.
* parte integrante = integral part ; fixture.
* parte interna = inner part.
* parte musical = part.
* parte posterior = backside ; rear.
* parte principal del texto = meat of the text.
* parte protegida = lee.
* parte protegida del viento = leeward.
* parte que falta = missing part.
* partes = bits and pieces.
* parte segunda = revisited.
* parte superior = top ; topside.
* parte trasera = back ; rear.
* parte vital = lifeblood.
* pero por otra parte = but then again.
* poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part ; do + Posesivo + share ; do + Posesivo + bit.
* ponerse de parte de = side with ; side in + Posesivo + favour ; take + sides with.
* poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best ; do + Posesivo + (honest) best ; give + Posesivo + utmost.
* por la décima parte de = for a fraction of.
* por la parte de fuera = externally.
* por otra parte = on the other hand ; on the other side ; on the flip side ; on the flip side of the coin ; on the other side of the coin.
* por parte de = on the part of.
* por parte de madre = on the distaff side (of the family) ; on the woman's side (of the family).
* por parte de uno = on + Posesivo + part.
* por parte materna = on the distaff side (of the family) ; on the woman's side (of the family).
* por + Posesivo + parte = for + Posesivo + part ; as far as + Nombre + be + concerned.
* por todas partes = all over the place ; everywhere ; widely ; all around ; far and wide.
* por una décima parte de = for a fraction of.
* por una parte = on the one hand ; on the one side.
* Posesivo + partes = Posesivo + family jewels ; Posesivo + privates.
* Posesivo + partes íntimas = Posesivo + privates ; Posesivo + family jewels.
* Posesivo + partes privadas = Posesivo + crown jewels ; Posesivo + family jewels ; Posesivo + privates ; Posesivo + prize(d) jewels ; Posesivo + prize(d) jewels.
* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + family jewels.
* Posesivo + partes pudendas = Posesivo + privates.
* que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.
* que forma parte en = involved in.
* que toma parte en = involved in.
* relación parte-todo = whole/part relationship ; whole-part relationship.
* segunda parte = sequel ; follow-up.
* segunda parte, la = second half, the.
* sentirse parte de un sitio = belong.
* ser conocido en todas partes = be known far and wide.
* ser conocido por todas partes = be known far and wide.
* ser parte de = be part of ; be a part of ; fall under.
* ser parte de + Posesivo + carácter = be within + Posesivo + character.
* ser parte de + Posesivo + forma de ser = be within + Posesivo + character.
* sinónimo en parte = near synonym.
* subparte = subpart.
* tener de + Posesivo + parte = have + Nombre + on + Posesivo + side.
* tomar parte = involve ; take + part ; become + involved.
* tomar parte activa = become + involved ; get + active.
* tomar parte en = join in.
* tomar parte en el asunto = be part of the picture ; enter + the fray.
* una buena parte de = a large measure of ; a good deal of ; a great deal of.
* una cuarta parte = one-quarter (1/4) ; one in four.
* una cuarta parte de = a fourth of.
* una décima parte = one tenth [one-tenth] ; one in ten.
* una gran parte de = a broad population of ; a lion's share of.
* una octava parte = one in eight.
* una parte de = a share of ; a snatch of.
* una quinta parte = one-fifth [one fifth] ; one in five.
* una quinta parte de = a fifth of.
* una tercera parte = one third (1/3) ; one in three.
* vayamos por partes = first things must come first ; first things first.
* venir de todas partes = come from + far and wide.

(n.) = report.
Nota: Documento que presenta el resultado de las actividades de un individuo o una organización.
Ex: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.
* dar parte de = report back to.
* parte de baja = doctor's note.
* parte de baja laboral = doctor's note.
* parte meteorológico = weather forecast.

(n.) = party.
Nota: Parte implicada en un acuerdo, contrato o juicio.
Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
* ambas partes = both sides of the equation ; both sides.
* ambas partes afectadas = both sides of the equation.
* ambas partes del argumento = both sides of the fence ; both sides of the argument.
* ambas partes implicadas = both sides of the equation.
* ambas partes interesadas = both sides of the equation.
* entre tres partes = 3-party [three-party].
* parte implicada = stakeholder.
* parte interesada = interested party ; stakeholder ; concerned party.
* partes beligerantes = warring factions ; warring parties.
* partes de un conflicto = warring factions ; warring parties.
* partes en cuestión, las = parties concerned, the.
* partes enfrentadas = warring factions ; warring parties.
* partes implicadas, las = parties involved, the ; parties concerned, the.
* ser parte de = be a party to.
* tenemos intereses en ambas partes = our feet are in both worlds.
* tener parte en = be a party to.
* todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.

(n.) = part.
Nota: Una de las subdivisiones en las que el autor, editor o fabricante ha dividido una obra u objeto.
Ex: A part is one of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer.

(v.) = cleave ; split ; break.
Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado broke, participio broken.
Ex: Ethnic and racial differences cleaved the American working class.
Ex: In the mechanised paper fibre process individual pages are soaked and split so that acid-free paper can be put between the two layers.
Ex: The document arrangement adopted is often broken, in the sense that documents in libraries are rarely shelved in one single and self-evident sequence.
* partir el bacalao = call + the shots ; be the boss ; call + the tune ; rule + the roost ; run + the show.
* partir (en) = divide (into).
* partir en dos = halve ; rend in + two ; break in + two.
* partir la pana = call + the shots ; be the boss ; call + the tune ; rule + the roost ; run + the show ; stand out + head and shoulders (above/over) ; stand out above + the rest ; stand out from + the rest ; stand out in + the crowd.
* partir por la mitad = halve ; break in + half.
* partir por medio = rend in + two.
* partirse de reír = burst into + side-splitting laughter ; burst into + a fit of laughter ; be in fits of laughter.
* partirse de risa = laugh + Posesivo + head off ; burst into + side-splitting laughter ; burst into + a fit of laughter ; crack up ; split + Posesivo + sides with laughter ; be in stitches (with laughter).
* partirse de risa = be in fits of laughter.
* partirse la cara por = work + Reflexivo + to death ; work + Reflexivo + to the ground.
* ¡que + Pronombre + partir un rayo! = be damned!.

(v.) = head out ; go forth ; leave ; depart.
Ex: It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.
Ex: Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
Ex: 'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.
Ex: He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.
* a partir de = based on ; working from ; from ; on a diet of ; in response to.
* a partir de ahora = from now on ; from this point on ; henceforth ; as of now ; from now onward(s) ; from this time on.
* a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + algunos años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
* a partir de aquí = hereupon.
* a partir de ello = therefrom.
* a partir de entonces = from this time on ; hereafter ; thereafter ; from then on ; thenceforth ; whereafter ; henceforth ; from that moment on.
* a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
* a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
* a partir de esto = on this basis ; on that basis.
* a partir de + Fecha = from + Fecha ; effective + Fecha.
* a partir de hoy = as from today.
* a partir de la medianoche = late night.
* a partir de los títulos = title-based.
* catalogar partiendo de cero = catalogue from + scratch.
* comenzar partiendo de cero = build from + scratch.
* compilar partiendo de cero = compile from + scratch ; compile from + scratch.
* construir partiendo de cero = construct from + scratch.
* de partirse de risa = side-splitting.
* en un par de días a partir de ahora = in a few days from now ; a few days from now.
* hacer a partir de = make out of.
* hacer una plancha a partir de un molde = cast + plate + from mould.
* introducir datos partiendo de cero = enter from + scratch.
* justo partiendo de cero = straight from scratch.
* para partirse de risa = side-splitting.
* partiendo de = on the basis of.
* partiendo de cero = from scratch ; from an empty slate ; from the ground up.
* partiendo de esto = on this basis ; on that basis.
* partiendo de la práctica = practice-led.
* partiendo del hecho de que = based on the understanding that.
* partir (de) = rest on/upon ; stem from ; draw on/upon ; build on/upon ; strike out from ; set off (from).
* partir de cero = begin from + scratch ; start from + scratch ; start at + ground zero.
* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that ; build on + the premise that.
* partir de la premisa de que = start from + the premise that ; build on + the premise that.
* partir de presupuestos = make + assumptions.
* partir de una premisa = base upon + assumption ; assumption + undergird.
* trabajar a partir de = work forward.

Babylon English-NorwegianDownload this dictionary
s. porsjon (på resepter); del, oppdelig; (Anatomi) generelt uttrykk for en spesiell del av et større organ eller struktur