pass on

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Motion to pass on
The motion to pass on is a dilatory parliamentary motion used in legislative procedure. It is distinct from the motion to table or to postpone to a certain time. The motion delays consideration of a matter for a later time without indicating prejudice with respect to it. According to Mason's Manual, matter passed on in this way remains subject to subsidiary motion. The motion to pass on is not subject to debate, but requires a majority vote.

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pass on

پيش رفتن ،در گذشتن ،رد کردن ،دست بدست دادن

کلمات مرتبط(2) 

کلمات مرتبط(pass on):

بازگشت به واژه pass on


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pass on
پيش رفتن ، در گذشتن ، رد کردن ، دست به دست دادن

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pass on

pass on
1. place into the hands or custody of; "turn the files over to me, please"; "he turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" [syn: pass, hand, reach, turn over, give]

2. tell or deposit (information) knowledge; "give a secret to the russians"; "leave your name and address here" [syn: impart, leave, give]

3. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense: "time marches on" [syn: advance, progress, move on, march on, go on ]
[ant: recede]

4. give to or transfer possession of; "i am passing on my genes to my children"
5. refer to another person for decision or judgment; "she likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues" [syn: relegate, submit]

6. cause to be distributed; "this letter is circulating among the faculty" [syn: circulate, pass around, distribute]

7. transmit information ; "please communicate this message to all employees" [syn: communicate, pass, put across]