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Potencial se relaciona con los siguientes artículos:

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Potenciál (z lat. potentia, možnost, moc, síla) muže mít více významu:

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A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = capability ; potential ; potential power ; affordance.
Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter and the catalog card but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.
Ex: However, its potential in this direction became evident, and in 1966 a catalogue card service was started.
Ex: This article examines the potential power of hypertext technology for the domains of journal and book publishing, insurance policy management, and software engineering.
Ex: In design terms, the degree to which an object is appropriate for its environment and thus likely to be employed by a user is termed an affordance.
* aprovechar + Posesivo + potencial = reach + Posesivo + potential.
* desarrollar el potencial = develop + a potential.
* desarrollar el potencial de Algo = develop + Posesivo + (full) potential ; achieve + Posesivo + potential ; achieve + Posesivo + full potential.
* desarrollar + Posesivo + potencial = shape + Posesivo + potential ; fulfil + Posesivo + potential.
* desarrollo del potencial = capacity building.
* lograr desarrollar el potencial de Algo = achieve + Posesivo + full potential.
* no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential ; fall (far) behind + potential.
* potencial nuclear = nuclear capability.
* tener potencial = have + potential.

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