
Found in thesaurus: change of magnitude, increase, move, act

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Un step-up est une structure de neige utilisée pour le ski freestyle ou le snowboard. Il s'agit d'un tremplin permettant d'effectuer des figures en l'air.

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hEnglish - advanced versionDownload this dictionary

\step"-up`\, a. (elec.) transforming or converting a low-pressure current into one of high pressure; as, a step-up transformer.
n : the act of increasing something; "he gave me an increase in salary" [syn: increase]
[ant: decrease]

WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary
step up

1. increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"
(synonym) escalate, intensify
(hypernym) increase
(hyponym) redouble
(derivation) increase, step-up
2. speed up; "let's rev up production"
(synonym) rev up
(hypernym) increase
3. make oneself visible; take action; "Young people should step to the fore and help their peers"
(synonym) come to the fore, step forward, come forward, step to the fore, come out
(hypernym) act, move


1. the act of increasing something; "he gave me an increase in salary"
(synonym) increase
(hypernym) change of magnitude
(hyponym) addition
(derivation) escalate, intensify, step up

RDE- Dictionar EN-RO - cuvinteDownload this dictionary
step up
I. 1. a ridica , a spori , a mari (productia etc.) ; a intensifica
2. a ridica tensiunea (cu gen.)
II. 1. a inainta ; a progresa , a face progrese
2. a se apropia de
3. a spori , a creste , a se mari
1. in trepte
2. multiplicator

Medicine English-ArabicDownload this dictionary
step-up transformer
مُحَوِّلٌ رافِع