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adj. unrealized, incomplete
v. not realize, not fulfill

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1. of persons; marked by failure to realize full potentialities; "unfulfilled and uneasy men"; "unrealized dreams and ambitions"
(synonym) unrealized, unrealised
(similar) unsuccessful

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ايفا نہ کيا ہوا, غير حاصل

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Synonyms and related words:
anguished, anxious, beefing, bellyaching, bitching, bored, cheerless, complaining, complaintful, crabbing, crabby, cranky, croaking, depressed, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, disgusted, displeased, dissatisfied, envious, faultfinding, grim, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, grumbling, joyless, malcontent, malcontented, murmuring, muttering, nauseated, nauseous, neglected, out of humor, peevish, petulant, pleasureless, prey to malaise, querulant, querulous, rebellious, repelled, resentful, restive, restless, revolted, sad, sickened, suffering angst, sulky, unaccepting, unaccommodating, unaccomplished, unachieved, unattained, uncompleted, unconsummated, undischarged, undone, uneasy, unexecuted, unfinished, ungratified, unhappy, unperformed, unquiet, unrealized, unsatisfied, whiny

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.
Free English-Vietnamese DictionaryDownload this dictionary
unfulfilled /'ʌnfrul'fild/
  • tính từ
    • không hoàn thành, chưa làm xong, chưa làm tròn (nhiệm vụ...); không thực hiện (lời hứa, lời tiên tri...)
      • không được thi hành (mệnh lệnh...)
        • không thành, không đạt, không toại (nguyện vọng, ước mong...)

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