
URX ZHEN Chinese-English dictionaryDownload this dictionary

About this dictionary

This is version 1.0 of URX ZHEN babylon dictionary. URX has no special meaning, but urx.de is a domain I own and if necessary I will use it as the home of this little project. The title ZHEN is build from the ISO-abbrevations for Chinese (ZH) and English (EN).

This dictionary is based on CEDICT (version from Thu Feb 27 14:03:08 2003) and the Unihan database (version 1.1 from 15 March 2002). Perl is used to create the glossary file automatically. All Unicode characters in the Unihan db which do not map to the GB2312 encoding standard are ignored, because Babylon cannot display them correctly (at the moment, babylon is not able to display unicode - it is a shame) and they would enlarge the dictionary unneccessary.

There are known errors in this dictionary. I hope I will find the time to correct these errors (or at least provide I list of them). You may check from time to time if there is a corrected version available. You may contact me by email: zhen@urx.de. I am interested in your comments, error reports or suggestions.

Markus Spitzer, 2003-12-31.