
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. morar, aposentarse, habitar, residir, vivir

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- originarse | habitar | morar | vivir | residir | quedarse
s.- permanencia

Técnico automotrizDownload this dictionary
ángulo de rotación del eje del delco

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = morar, habitar, vivir, residir.
Ex: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

dwell2 on/upon
(v.) = explicar largamente, explayarse.

Def: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dwelt.
Ex: Annotations found in bibliographies may be less stylized and are more likely to dwell on the subject content.

dwell3 on/upon
(v.) = comerse el tarro, darle vueltas a.
Ex: One of the best things you can do for your peace of mind is to learn how to stop dwelling on the errors of the past.
* dwell on + the past = vivir en el pasado, no dejar de pensar en el pasado.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
dwell time
s.- [Chromat] tiempo de permanencia --lo que tarda en salir el dwell volume--
dwell volume
s.- [Chromat] volumen de permanencia --no es de retención--